A brave new insurance world

After 7 years working on web-based insurance software, I’ve come to realise there is more to insurance than I thought.

Insurance seems simple to the layman sailing on the surface, but there’s unexpected depth should he fall in.

In my case I’ve never needed to come up for air, finding within the once murky waters enough sustenance to fully explore a world that fascinates me. Perhaps it is my fate as a software developer that the more complex a problem, the more I yearn to solve it. Making web based insurance software therefore has become a mission, and having learnt so much about insurance in my studies, I find myself now reaching out to the community to share (and swap) my findings with others.

I urge you therefore, whoever you are – wherever you are – to help me in my quest as I will help you in yours: leave comments on this blog, ask me questions, and I will do everything I can to furnish you with the information you seek.

This blog is intended as a resource on all technical aspects of software and online marketing in the insurance industry, and general information, tools and tips that may help us all run a more effective organisation.

Greetings to fellow RiskHeads and thanks for listening!

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